The engines in many of the vehicles on the road today are smaller than they used to be, as well as being far more efficient, but they also produce a great deal of heat. The cooling system is responsible for maintaining the engine at an acceptable operating temperature. The radiator protects your engine from overheating during hot summer months by circulating coolant through the engine. If there is a block or a leak, your engine can quickly overheat and your vehicle will break down. The number one cause of coolant leaks is corrosion due to a lack of routine maintenance. Coolant leaks are also caused by old or cracked hoses or a hole in the radiator itself because the radiator metal core is thin and easily damaged.
At Rotorua Motor Works, we recommend having your coolant and radiator systems professionally inspected at least once a year. If your vehicle is overheating or losing water, you should give us a call or drop into our service centre. Our trained technicians will inspect your entire cooling system, and if any coolant leaks are detected, we can repair or replace the damaged part.
At Rotorua Motor Works, we service cooling systems in an environmentally safe way. We pump out the existing coolant and properly dispose of the used coolant according to New Zealand Standards. We service the cooling system by cleaning out the system, and we then refill the system with new antifreeze, adding a coolant system sealer when recommended. The last step of the process is to pressure test the system to remove all air pockets and to make sure that the cooling fans are functioning in a timely manner.
Radiator Coolant Flush
A flush and fill is a critical part of routine maintenance.
Anti-freeze (coolant) is very caustic. Left in the radiator for too long, it will begin to corrode the metal and cause a potentially disastrous leak. Over time, the coolant and antifreeze chemicals in an engine (used to prevent the engine from overheating) deteriorate under usage. This causes them to lose their resistance to freezing and boiling.
Additionally, engines contain quite a number of parts in the cooling system that are prone to rust. This, along with other components corroding, can cause the system to become clogged over time. In extreme cases, cooling system blockage can occur.
To prevent this, a cooling system flush is recommended. It flushes all of the old chemicals out of your car’s engine and removes any particles.
Water Hoses
Coolant hoses include the upper and lower radiator hoses, heater hoses, and in some cars the bypass hose.
Hoses provide a flexible connection for coolant to flow between the engine and the radiator and between the engine and the heating block.
At Rotorua Motor Works, we recommend that you have your vehicle hoses and accompanying clamps inspected twice a year. Tiny cracks can form from the inside that can eventually lead to a burst hose and an overheated engine.
4-Wheel Drive & All-Wheel Drive Transfer Case Service
The transfer case is a special gear box found in 4-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles. It connects to both the front and rear axes on the vehicle, sending drive power from the engine to the front and rear axles.
In all-wheel-drive vehicles, the transfer case helps to shift power from one axle to another, depending upon traction conditions. Lubricant fluid in the transfer case helps to keep its gears cool and turning smoothly. Replacing this fluid at intervals is recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer and will help prevent premature wear and damage caused by contaminated or broken-down lubricant. The transfer case should be checked at every oil change for adequate lubrication. Many transfer cases require a regular, periodic change of oil or fluids.Check your owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance intervals for your specific vehicle.
Constant Velocity Shafts And Boots
Constant Velocity (CV) Shaft, Boot, and Joints are used on front-wheel drives and many 4-wheel drive vehicles.
CV boots should be inspected with every oil change. CV boots can be torn or cracked over time allowing dirt into the joint. Unless such damage is discovered and addressed quickly, both the boot and the joints can become so damaged that they need replacement. The main sign of a CV or boot issue is you may hear a clicking noise or a clunk while turning.
Give us a call or drop in if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
Water Pumps
This is a pump which is driven by the cam belt and circulates water whenever the engine is running.
The water is continuously drawn from the centre of the pump (the inlet) and propelled by the pump vanes that fling water outside the pump, where it can then enter the engine. After flowing through the engine, the water is then transmitted to the radiator and finally back to the input of the water pump.