A Warrant of Fitness, or WOF, is required every six months for all vehicles built before 2000 and every 12 months for vehicles built from 1st January 2000 and onwards.
At Rotorua Motor Works, we can complete a WOF inspection with your vehicle service, saving you time and money.Our technicians are fully qualified WOF inspectors, fully experienced in vehicle mechanics and servicing.
They complete regular updates and liaise with the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) on all WOF requirements. We are also members of the MTA.If any issues are found with your vehicle, the repair work can be completed onsite quickly and efficiently by our team of technicians.
Sound advice
Rotorua Motor Works advises that if you combine a WOF check with your regular vehicle services, not only does this save you time and money, but you can be assured that all aspects of your vehicle are checked, as not everything is covered by a WOF.
For example:
Engine, clutch, gearbox and differential
Lubricant levels and condition
Brake pad thickness or life expectancy
Paint work condition and rust in non-structural areas